EF-2 tornado destroys homes in Central Florida

LONGWOOD, Fla. (CBS12) — A tornado swept through western Seminole County late Monday morning as a storm swept through that caused significant damage to homes in Longwood.

A National Weather Service’s (NWS) preliminary assessment determined the twister touched down on the eastern edge of Wekiwa Springs State Park and headed northeast through the city, toward the Wingfield Reserve Subdivision.

The tornado rated as an EF-1 for much of the time it was on the ground, NWS determined. However, winds sped up, as high as 115 mph, as it bore down on the homes in the vicinity of Blue Iris Place.

See Also: Strong winds cause damage in Okeechobee neighborhood, public urged to avoid area

The Seminole County Fire Department shared some images of the destruction that happened when the twister slammed into one of the homes there. Two people were inside the now-destroyed house at the time and managed to escape unharmed.

More damage was found along Markham Woods Road as the tornado continued toward Interstate 4, in Lake Mary, where it finally lifted. In all, it is believed to have cut a path about 1.8 miles long.

NWS officials planned to continue surveying the area through the afternoon, at which point they can figure out the exact location it ended.

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